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Travel Swith

Tag Archive: Guide

Learn The Basics With This Travel Guide

With the help of our guide, today you will discover many great secrets to having a successful trip. Apply the information to your planned destination to enjoy having a memorable experience. These tips and tricks will help you to save time and money with little to no work at all.

Before travelling, make sure you check the projected weather for your destination. You don’t want to be stuck with nothing but winter clothes during a heat wave or only shorts and tank-tops during a blizzard. Purchasing new clothing while on vacation may not only be expensive, but you might not have room in your luggage to take everything home with you!

Invest in a waterproof wallet. You no doubt need your wallet and its contents safe. While traveling, it can be easy to forget about what you have in your pockets. Having a waterproof wallet is a great idea for …

A Guide to Getting Around Phuket

With many of the beach resorts in Phuket being small enough to walk around, getting around in Phuket could not be easier. Here is a guide on all the transport modes available, ensuring you get the most out of your trip to Phuket.

Tuk Tuks

If you only want to go short distances, tuk-tuks are good to use. However, as they are small in size, they can be quite uncomfortable for journeys that are longer than 30 minutes or so. Be aware that the resort you choose to visit will influence the cost of tuk-tuks. For example, if you were to visit Patong, you can expect to pay around 100 Baht, even for short distances. It is important that you let your driver know your destination before you set off and agree on a price for the journey.


If you are looking for transportation options from the airport, be …